Backup .vimrc and .aliases file

Haven’t updated the blog in a while, but this seems to be a right time to back up my .vimrc and .aliases file. Also, visual studio code!


" set Line Numbers
set nu

"************ SEARCH
" set Incremental Search
set incsearch
" highlight matches
set hlsearch
" ignore case
set ic

"************ TAB
" set number of visual spaces per TAB
set tabstop=4
" set number of spaces in tab when editing
set softtabstop=4
" replace tabs with spaces
set expandtab
" enable syntax highlighting
syntax enable


alias gpr "git pull --rebase"
alias grh "git reset --hard"
alias gc "git checkout"

alias rl "readlink -f"
alias rp "realpath"

alias sa "source ~/.aliases"
alias ea "vi ~/.aliases"

alias gz "gunzip ./* -r"

alias grep "grep --color -n"

Summer Targets

I have now completed two semesters at Georgia Tech and feel that I am now a changed person. I’ve been wanting to post an update for a long time but procrastination got the best of me.

I now maintain a code repository at I use bitbucket since it allows me to keep certain repositories private. Some of my projects are up there.

My plan for the summer is to post more code from some of my projects at GT, and maybe attempt implementing some advanced algorithms.

Stay tuned for updates 🙂



Angle Calculation in OpenCV

Last month, I wrote a small piece of code to calculate the angle between two specified points. The result returned will be in degrees with respect to the positive X axis. The function is as below:

// This function calculates the angle of the line from A to B with respect to the positive X-axis in degrees
int angle(Point2f A, Point2f B) {
	int val = (B.y-A.y)/(B.x-A.x); // calculate slope between the two points
	val = val - pow(val,3)/3 + pow(val,5)/5; // find arc tan of the slope using taylor series approximation
	val = ((int)(val*180/3.14)) % 360; // Convert the angle in radians to degrees
	if(B.x < A.x) val+=180;
	if(val < 0) val = 360 + val;
	return val;



Do comment for any questions regarding this.

Taking Interval Snapshots and Saving them to Disk with OpenCV

Hey guys!,
I’ve started working with OpenCV for a research project here at Georgia Tech. This was part of my initial tasks in week 1 of the project.

The code is quite self explanatory, do post questions if any.


#include <opencv\cv.h>
#include <opencv\highgui.h>
#include <opencv2\opencv.hpp>
#include <iostream>
#include <time.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <conio.h>
#include <string>
#include <Windows.h>

int main( int argc, const char** argv ) {
	// Capture Object
	VideoCapture vcap;

	string address = ” “; //Enter stream address here
	string location;
	time_t start;
	int interval = 0, j=0;
	Mat image;

	// Parameters to Save Image
	vector compression_params; //vector that stores the compression parameters of the image
	compression_params.push_back(CV_IMWRITE_JPEG_QUALITY); //specify the compression technique
	compression_params.push_back(98); //specify the compression quality

	cout << “Please wait until the camera opens…” <<endl;
	if ( ! ) {
		cout << “\nUnable to access camera.” << endl;
		return -1;
	cout << interval;
	cout << location;
	start = time(NULL);
	while(1) {;
		if (interval != 0 && ((time(NULL)-start)%interval == 0) && start != time(NULL)) {
		cout << ++j <<endl;
		imshow(“Inteval Snap”, image);
		start = time(NULL);
		string op_file = location + to_string(j) + “.jpg”;
		cout << op_file <<endl;
		if(!imwrite(op_file,image,compression_params)) {
			return -2;

Sethu Chidambaram

Experiments with Light and a Convex Lens

Image Inversion 1 Image Inversion 2 Image Inversion Set UP Image Inversion and Reflection

Well, physics in the real world is cool!

I recently found this magnifying glass when clearing out my desk and remembered doing this when I was a kid. Just found time to actually document this 🙂

High School Physics at Play: When an object is placed at infinity, the image is formed at the principal focus of the lens. The image formed is small, real and inverted.


Sethu Chidambaram


Currents ’14 Posters

Invitation FrontInvitation BackCurrents Poster Final HQ (4)

Currents Poster (6) Events Poster Electronic Arts Colour Poster Electronic Arts B/W Poster

Guest Lecture Publicity Poster

Currents ’14, The annual national level technical symposium conducted by the Electrical and Electronics Engineering Association of NIT Trichy.

This edition has gone International with participation in the Online Code Currents Competition hosted by Code Chef.

Total Workshop Participation: 450

Total Event Participation: 650

Designed by Sethu Chidambaram in Adobe Photoshop